Complete Strategic Pivot


  • An East Coast builder faced significant financial losses, having lost approximately $20 million in the previous two years and projected to lose another $10 million this year.
  • Their complex business model included renting, renovating, and new construction across multiple states, but yet for all of this breadth they lacked profits.
  • Despite having a highly qualified real estate CFO, their financial plans were unclear and didn’t withstand scrutiny from senior management.
  • The need for additional capital to support a complete business model pivot was evident, but they struggled to create a compelling strategic plan for sophisticated investors.


  • They engaged my services, and within two weeks I had developed a solid, understandable strategic plan.
  • We used Builder Navigator to analyze their current inventory, providing clarity on expected profit and cash flow.
  • I then crafted a strategic plan that reinvested proceeds from liquidating existing inventory into new construction projects over time.
  • The plan gradually scaled inventory and overhead, focusing on areas where they had a strategic advantage.
  • The CEO and COO reviewed the plan, asking tough questions, and were pleased with its realism and digestibility.
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